Nalizhyta Tetiana

Nalizhyta Tetiana

4 years of experience


1 session ( minute)


Nearest session

24th Jan 09:00

  • About me
  • Education
  • Articles
- Completed a master's degree at UCU in "Clinical Psychology with Fundamentals of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy". - Completed the 2nd degree of the Gestalt program from the National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine. - I am studying for a specialization in Sexology. - Private practice since 2021. - I have 8 years of experience in the IT sector (team and project management). - 5 years of work in public organizations. Volunteered, conducted trainings, and headed a public organization with an educational focus. - I have an incomplete philological education and experience of radical changes in the areas of study and work in the process of finding "my own". I am ready to provide you with a space to explore yourself, find your desires and needs, find words and answers, the opportunity to share what you are experiencing and be understood and seen. Fluency, safety and freedom in psychotherapy are important to me. I give a lot of space for expression, for exploration, I do not impose my own meanings on clients. I am ready to face complex experiences and difficult stories. I will not have a template plan of action or treatment recipes for you. We will get to know each other and explore what psychotherapy can give you. I value a common understanding of the therapist and client about "what is happening here" and transparency of the process. I respect the identity of the other. The freedom to be who you are, to make your own choices. I value the right to believe in what you believe in and to live in a world and in the way you choose. Your world is only yours, and I can help you explore the area and recognize how everything is built there and why it is that way, to regain your ability and strength to choose.
2018 - 2019
Перша Ступінь Підготовки Гештальт Терапевтів від НАГТУ
2021 - 2021
Курс з основ Символдарми від УКУ
2021 - 2024
Магістратура в Українському Католицькому Університеті
2022 - 2022
Міжнародна конференція "Війна. Психологія травми" від Українського Католицького Університету
2023 - 2023
Всеукраїнська Гештальт Конференція
2016 - 2020
Бакалаврат в Університеті Сучасних Знань
2024 - 2023
Міжнародна науково-практична конференція "Війна і виснаження. Психологія опору та відновлення" від Українського Католицького Уінверситету
2021 - 2024
Друга Ступінь Підготовки Гештальт ТЕрапевтів від НАГТУ
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Meclee will keep the price of a psychologist for 365 days from the first session.

Reschedule the session to a convenient time in your own account.

We will find another psychologist free of charge if this one doesn't suit you.

Questions and answers

💳 Payment

How can I pay for a session?

Can I pay after the session?

Can I pay for several sessions at once?

Can I cancel the session and get a refund?

Can I reschedule the meeting?

There was an error when paying for the session, what should I do?

🎓 Before the session

How to prepare for the session?

How can I contact a psychologist?

Where does the session take place?

💡 General

Is it necessary to create an account to book a session?

In which time zone do I book a session?